
Viser opslag fra 2015

Deploy Microsoft Office (2016) with GPO

I struggled a bit with finding the right solution to deploy Office 2016 to my users. I found that running the setup.exe was not really possible as I was forced to use a .MSI-file. I ended up with making a .BAT-file that started the install, when the user logs on to Windows. It only runs on the machines that I choose and only runs if Office 2016 is not already installed on the machine. I created a group policy that ran a logon script (my .BAT-file) and linked it to the GPO where all users are located. My .BAT-file: @echo off cls REM *** [GROUP/DEPARTMENT NAME] *** if %computername%==PC1 goto checkVersion REM ***  [OTHER GROUP/DEPARTMENT NAME]  *** if %computername%==PC2 goto checkVersion if %computername%==PC3 goto checkVersion if %computername%==PC4 goto checkVersion if %computername%==PC26 goto checkVersion if %computername%==PC27 goto checkVersion if %computername%==YOU-GET-THE-POINT goto checkVersion goto end :checkVersion if exist "C:\Program Fil...

Microsoft Office 2016 and the AUTO_ACTIVATE property

In Office 2013 is was possible to automatically activate it after install by using a property called AUTO_ACTIVATE in the Office Customization Tool (OCT) (to start the OCT, you just need to run the setup for the Office installation like this: 'setup.exe /admin' - you don't need to download the OCT). It doesn't work in Office 2016. I solved it by running the OCT and doing this instead: If you want to know how the make the install completely automated, read on: I modified these settings: Save the .MSP file in the Office installation folder under \updates\. All .MSP files in this folder, is used during installation. If files exist in this folder, and you run setup.exe, the 'normal' Office installation will use the settings under \updates\ (the settings modified in the .MSP file created in OCT).

Disable Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense (or Wi-Fi Sharing)

To disable Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense widely with a Group Policy create a new Windows registry item:

Check_MK (or OMD) and access to network topology

After creating a new user, assigning it Administrator rights, and logging in to Check_MK, I received an error stating that there was no access to the network topology. This resolved it: 1) SSH to the Linux server running Check_MK 2) Change directory to the Nagvis folder: cd /omd/sites/[YOUR SITE NAME HERE]/etc/nagvis 3) Create a new file called "nagvis-make-admin.sh": sudo nano nagvis-make-admin.sh 4) Paste this into the new file and save it: #!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # # nagvis-make-admin.sh - This script assigns the Administrators role to the #                        given user. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2011 NagVis Project (Contact: info@nagvis.org) # # Development: #  Lars Michelsen <lars@vertical-visions.de> # # License: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms...
Microsoft Outlook kan ikke startes. Outlook-vinduet kan ikke åbnes. Mappesættet kan ikke åbnes. Du skal have forbindelse til Microsoft Exchange med den aktuelle profil, før du kan synkronisere mapperne med Outlook-datafilen (.ost). Fejlen ovenfor giver også fejl i eventlog med event ID 9646 (source: MSExchangeIS): "Mapi session /o=XX AS/ou=XX/cn=Recipients/cn=XX with client type MoMT exceeded the maximum of 32 objects of type Session." Jeg har revet mig i håret over denne fejl og samtidig betalt konsulenter i 3 timer for at finde løsningen på fejlen ovenfor - men de gav op. Brugeren med fejlen kunne åbne Outlook på egen PC, men ved opsætning af ny PC med Outlook, dukker fejlen op hos tilfældige brugere. Endelig fandt jeg løsningen, som skulle rettes på Exchange serveren (vi anvender Exchange 2013, men så vidt jeg kan læse mig til, så virker det også på Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007 og Exchange 2010): Det viser sig, at antallet af samtidige sessioner p...